Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Homecoming 2013

Within most high schools and colleges throughout the United States, the grand tradition of voting on a homecoming court has lived on as a major part of the festivities. For Ohio Northern University, we have supported this tradition through yearly voting of different representatives from student organizations that we eliminated in a Survivor style voting to five men and women in a popularity contest decided by the entire student body. 

Over the weekend, Ohio Northern celebrated Homecoming in the usual fashion with parades, tailgates, football games and more even though the weather did not want to cooperate. After announcing the parade and visiting the Alpha Xi Delta Teddy Bear Tea with some sisters, we journeyed to the football stadium to watch the Polar Bears dominate Marietta and witness the crowning of our 2013 Homecoming Court. If you weren't there to witness this historic moment, have no fear! I was kind enough to live tweet the entire event as part of an assignment for this class. Is the suspense killing you? More than likely. 

While I was able to tweet exactly what is going on with the Homecoming Court, Ohio Northern University did not. This is completely understandable, considering the crowning was during the football game. ONUSports did a fabulous job of updating the game, as well as some of my classmates. Most of the promotion for the Homecoming Court was through students that were on the Court and their friends. In the future, I believe that the ONU Homecoming Twitter should be used to promote things the crowning of the court, even though this was not used at all over the Homecoming festivities. 

Don't waste any more time! Discover the results of the 2013 Homecoming Court through my Storify. 

1 comment:

  1. I really like how Northern has kept up with the tradition of crowning homecoming king and queen. Even better...I knew most of the candidates! Again, a big perk of a small school! The weather was pretty awful, but eventually the sun came out and all was OK!
