Sunday, October 20, 2013

Almost Reunited and It Feels So Good

There comes a time in every sorority woman's life that she finds her perfect match. No, not a boy. Her little. 
Our first photo together!
When I was going through recruitment last year, I met plenty of fabulous young women. However, Kaylee May introduced me to a girl that was the same year as us who was really looking in to becoming more involved with her pageant platform, Autism Speaks, on campus. Kaylee had known Becca for a while and I had taken anatomy with her the previous semester. Kaylee suggested I talk to her some because we both had a mutual interest in pageants. 
Kaylee and I cheering Becca on during the Miss America finals!
The moment she found out I was her big.
We started talking and I fell in love with this girl. She received a bid from Alpha Xi Delta and I became her Rose Buddy for the next week. We talked constantly, had lunch dates, studied organic chemistry and ate chips and salsa together constantly. When it came time to make our little lists, I had no doubt who would be at the top of my list. The entire sorority knew. When I finally got my call telling me who fate (or the sisters in charge of big/little pairing) had paired me with, I knew in my heart who I was paired with as soon as I answered that call. I was officially Becca Yeh's big. 
Even though I haven't been able to spend much time with her since she's became Miss Minnesota, I'm there for her whenever she needs me and she's there for me when I need her too. She became more than a sorority sister or a classmate, she's honestly one of my best friends. Just like I can't imagine going through college without my twin, Courtney, I can't imagine not having Becca there either. While we may not have been able to go through with all of the plans we had for this summer, like me traveling to Minnesota to visit and her visiting Ohio so I can drag her to Cedar Point, I have been looking forward to the moment I get to see her again. Finally, I get to see her this Friday!
I'm not sure how much time we'll be able to spend together, but I do know that no matter how much it is we'll have a blast. How can it not be when we get to spend time together? 


  1. That's awesome how close you two are! I couldn't imagine going so long without seeing one of my best friends, especially when they're out and about traveling the country and you're stuck in Ada! Look forward to hearing about your weekend when she makes it back!

  2. That's pretty cool she's coming back. I never knew her or anything but I can understand the feeling of missing your best friend. Since she's your little I can only imagine how huge and how much love will be in this reunion. I wish I could see it cause sorority big-little relationships are the funniest thing I've ever seen.

  3. I am so incredibly excited that she is coming to visit! I have missed her so much! Every time I see a picture of her on Facebook or Instagram I'm reminded of my smiley little niece that I never get to see. This reunion is going to be epic. I am so proud of how far she has come since her sophomore year when I met her.

  4. I'm so happy for you! I've had a class with Rebecca and met her at an Alpha Xi recruitment, and I must say you're very lucky to have such a sweet little! Although I must saying knowing you, the pairing definitely makes sense. I have been wondering what happens with her classes while she's carrying out her Miss Minnesota duties? Will she completely skip a year or semester, or is she remotely taking classes? I've just been confused!
