Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Healthy Eating Is NOT As Easy

See that face? That's the face that I usually make when thinking about vegetables. I don't "love" vegetables. I didn't grow up being forced to eat vegetables. Until I got to college, there were few vegetables I would willingly eat, including but not limited to okra (fried only), green beans and potatoes in their french fry and hash brown form. 

However, when I started school I learned that I could not survive on the food I had been eating. After a lovely freshman year of gaining the infamous "freshman 15" (which was more like the freshman 10 plus all of my muscle turning into fat) due to a year of stress eating, I realized I had to change something. Sophomore year, I occasionally went to the gym and tried to watch what I ate but I was never consistent. Junior year, I have decided to get my butt in gear.

I joined PolarFit, Ohio Northern's CrossFit club. I do Pilates on my own at home and run when we don't in class. But, most importantly, I'm changing the way I eat. I'm forcing myself to eat carrot sticks and salads, which I'm beginning to tolerate. I'm trying to eat more protein instead of carbohydrates and not let myself eat out so much. If I do eat carbohydrates, I try to eat good ones instead of nasty processed ones. This week I made the decision to actually eat as clean as I possibly can. I'm on day three of my eating change and I have already faced temptations in the form of the smell of french fries and the Oreo's in my cabinet at home. But, I've also started to like carrots. Small victories, right?

The biggest thing I've come to realize is that I have to make small changes. Substituting low carbohydrate, wheat tortillas for white corn flour tortillas, eating chicken and turkey instead of red meat and trading chips for carrots is a start. Even though I may not be perfect when it comes to eating, I try my best, and that's better than everyone else who isn't trying at all.

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