Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Seven Steps to the Perfect Measurement Program

In "Measure What Matters", Katie Paine has an entire chapter dedicated to the "Seven Steps to the Perfect Measurement Program". These seven steps include:

  1. Defining your goals and objectives
  2. Define your environment, audiences and your role in influencing them
  3. Define your investment
  4. Determine your benchmarks
  5. Define your key performance indicators
  6. Select the right measurement tool and vendors and collect data
  7. Turn your data into action
When I read the title, I was naturally intrigued. Measurement is an important concept to understand in public relations, but I have not had the opportunity to really learn much about measurement yet. This is at absolutely no fault to my professors, because Kathie and Aggie are pretty much awesome. I just have not been involved in any projects or campaigns that have or will involve measurement until this semester.

These seven steps will be invaluable to my group during our Bateman Case Study Competition campaign.  Being able to clearly define what we intend to accomplish will make it easier to actually achieve our goals and not overwhelm ourselves with ideas or impossible expectations. Having a set strategy of how we will measure our results and constantly evaluating our strategies as we develop our campaign will help us create the best possible campaign that we can, as well as measuring how successful we were with our campaign.  But the greatest thing about these seven steps? Every single one of these ideas have been preached to me in multiple classes since I became a public relations major. 

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