Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Week Three Jitters

When you start back at college, every thing seems to be all sunshine, rainbows and butterflies. Your friends are back in their rightful places (back at school with you), classes haven't really started yet (syllabus day, anyone?) and there's just SO much to do. All is right in world.

Then week three starts.

Ignore the fabulously outdated sweater.
The gravy train you have been choo-chooing away on gets swept away by the prospect of having real work to do.  This week alone, I have had two tests, two quizzes and multiple assignments due. "But," all the science majors say, "You're a pubic relations major! You guys don't have real work." Unfortunately, we do. And when we don't do our work, we feel the same stress as other majors. I'm looking at you, pharmacy students. But fortunately for myself, I have learned a couple of ways to deal with it.

1. Stay ahead in your classes. While this is the most obvious thing for anyone to think of, it's the hardest thing to actually do. Reading ahead, taking notes on your own outside of class, finishing assignments or whatever it is that I can do to get ahead and stay ahead. When I get behind, I have NO motivation to study because I'm overwhelmed. Staying ahead is the best way to prevent that.

2. Use a planner. I live and die by my planner, and I know I'm not the only one at Ohio Northern who uses it religiously. Planning out everything that I have going on helps me stay ahead. Living an organized life isn't always possible, but trying your best makes it a lot more manageable. 

3. Make time for fun! I've made the mistake in the past of being too worried about everything going on and burning myself out way too early in the semester. Now I plan for fun. Heck, this week I went and played volleyball even though I'm terrible at it just to get my nose out of the books for a while.

4. Take care of yourself. Exercise. Eat (somewhat) healthy. Make sure your getting sleep. How can you function and be the A-plus student we all know we are if we can't stay awake in class? Obviously, you can't. Get rid of the sleepy eyes and grumbling food baby belly and make yourself focus by maintaining a healthy life style!

You can't always do everything. College students aren't super heroes or demi-gods, even though I know some fellow students who would like to disagree. We can't live on coffee, energy drinks and caffeine pills. I know, I tried it. You will have weeks where you can barely function.

Kinda like this guy.
But, in the end, you will survive, get that diploma and, some day, grow up. Until then, keep yourself sane by doing what you can to not get behind in school and have a life.


  1. You have some great tips on dealing with stress! I really love tip number three. While I enjoy planning fun events, I also like the spontaneous, "Hey, let's do this!" type of events with my friends. It doesn't have to be a huge thing. Something as simple as a night in with friends, watching movies and having snacks can be fun. Plus, I can relax and not worry about classes.

  2. I really like how you have been able to somewhat enjoy yourself! I always stress to people that college is more than the studying. You have to make memories, too! Staying ahead of the game does wonders. Look at us, we're blogging days before the assignment is due! Definitely makes things easier! Tip number four is great. It's amazing what exercising can do to your energy levels and how you feel in general!

  3. I can testify that classes and work have definitely been picking up for me as well. I guess the readjustment time we're given is not too long. These are all good tips and to the outsider may seem pretty obvious, but are very easy not to do for actual college students.

  4. I really like the tips you had! I know I need to learn to not say "Yes" to everything and leave time for myself to be healthy and rested. There is so much pressure on college students to be involved in as many things as they can, a lot of people don't take time for themselves. Also, I know a lot of people think that PR Majors don't have homework or their classes are easy. It is the same in the business college. I have had people tell me my transcript should say "Sandbox 101" because of how easy they think my classes are. They don't know that we have to be constantly aware of the changes of the business world and that we are tested on our ability of going into a starting job as a manager or leader. We are expected to memorize 300 words in two days and write papers trying to project business strategies in the future. Every major is hard, no matter what.

  5. Brittany,

    I loved reading what you had to say in your blog. Your blog was very informational and easy to read. Keep up the good work! Love you.

